Collection: Oshi no Ko
Oshi no Ko is a popular Japanese manga series written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari. The story revolves around the dark side of the entertainment industry and follows the life of a doctor named Gorou Amemiya, who is reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino, the son of a famous idol, Ai Hoshino. The narrative explores themes of fame, deception, and the complex relationships between the characters as they navigate their careers and personal lives in the entertainment world. The series is known for its intense and gripping storyline, as well as its detailed and expressive artwork.
Oshi no Ko Chara Deru Art Shakashaka Acrylic Key Chain - Ai Hoshino
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Oshi no Ko Acrylic Figure Collection Vol. 1 - 1 random pack
Regular price $14.99 CADRegular priceUnit price / per